240-968 | CV 900 Chart Panel Rodenstock

240-968 | CV 900 Chart Panel Rodenstock
CV 900 Chart Panel Rodenstock
High quality LCD 24 / 60.96 cm
Programmable display sequences
Unlimited number of charts
Colour vision test charts
Adjustable test distance
Multimedia tool
Contrast sensitivity test
4 different monitors available
Display sizes from 15“ to 24“
Red-green and/or polarising
Programmable display sequences
Timeless design
Non-reflecting display
Comprehensive test selection
Colour vision test charts
The Rodenstock chart panels offer the entire tests for refraction, starting from standard optotypes followed
by special tests for driving license, color vision, contrast sensitivity or polarizing tests. Of course all charts,
necessary for conventional refraction, are already pre-programmed. For patient education you can show and
create various pictures and animations. The test report function allows to generate and print individual reports.
Choose your individual monitor up to your needs!
iPad App
Do you want to control your chart panel via iPad?
The App „Chart Max“ works with:
CV 900
CV 700P
CV 1000P
Use the Chart Max to control your Rodenstock
chart panel via wireless network. The App works
as an easy to use remote control with full functionality, live image of displayed optotypes and
reading test samples.
Display...............................LCD 22’’
Auto off function...............Adjustable 4 to 240 min.
Visus units...........................Snellen decimal, LogMar,
Snellen m. ( /6), Snellen ft.
( /20)
Distance units..................Feet or meter
Adjust. distance.................2 to 7 m (step 0.1 m)
Data exchange.................Phoromat 1000 (IR sensor)
IR remote...............................3 available IR channels
Dimensions & electrical requirements
Dimensions WDH...............582 x 59 x 384 mm
Weight................................Approx. 6kg
Input.................................AC 115V to 230V
Frequency..........................50/60 Hz
Power consumption...........Less than 70W
Available charts and tests (samples)
Standard..............................Snellen, Landolt, Letters,
Numbers, Characters
Color vision....................Ishihara, 100 HUE
Red-green..........................Schober, Worth, Bichrom
Balance, Fixation Disparity,
Coincidence h/v
Low vision..........................ETDRS, Crowding Bars,
AMD-Optotypes, Amsler
Contrast Adjustment
Children...............................HOTV, Hands, Pictures,
Symbols, Animations
Extra..................................Hearing/Speaking Impaired,
Patient Education, 3D Images