240-915 | PERIMAT Kinetic / Static Perimeter

SKU: 240-915
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PERIMAT Kinetic / Static Perimeter

  • Kinetic and static testing
  • Embedded PC
  • RGB bowl illumination
  • Goldmann size stimuli
  • Standardised driver test

Short Examination Time
Due to the fact that the units can take former testing protocols of the same patient into consideration, the examination time can be reduced tremendously. Already known defects will be screened and not necessarily checked through a complete testing routine again. With the automated adaptation to the patient response the system is able to optimize all time parameters with full result credibility.

Modern Data Handling

The Perimat comes with an integrated modern PC that communicates with all USB printers. All acquired data can be transmitted to a network and sent in many different formats depending on individual requirements. The design of the Perimat is more compact due to the integrated PC. This saves valuable space and reduces cables. The Peristat can be connected individually to a standard PC or Laptop making configuration economical and flexible.

Pupil Measurement
It is possible to measure the pupil diameter at any time even before, after or during the examination.

LED–Technology / Blue on Yellow Test

Both systems integrate the LED background illumination and provide a standardized blue on yellow test routine, using Goldmann V fixation spot size. Kinetic test mode: Stimulus with adjustable size, intensity and speed is moving from the periphery to the center of measurement bowl.

Kinetic and Static Driving Test (Perimat)
The integrated standard driving test can be modified according to every individual demands, in kinetic or static routine. (Peristat static only)


Measuring bowl (Closed bowl with mechanical ventilation)

Measurement range ..........±50º
Fixation targets .................Central, yellow LED 588 nm
? 2 fixation targets located at ±30º for driver tests (160º measurement range)
? 2 fi xation diamonds (no central vision and fovea sensitivity)

Test fields green/white blue/yellow

Full 50° 165 points 164 points
Glaucoma 22°/50° 101 points 100 points
Central 22°/30° 93/117 points 92/116 points
Wide 22°/30° 128 points 127 points
Peripheral 30°-50° 72 points 72 points
Macula 10° 45 points 44 points
Driving 50°/80° 189 points 188 points
Bowl lighting LED lighting
? 3.2 cd/m² or 10 cd/m² for white color
? 100 cd/m² for yellow color
Stimulus ............................Goldman size III, V
Color .................................Blue, green
Max stimulus brightness ...10 000 Asb
LED light source ................Embedded stimulus intensity control system
Fixation monitoring ...........Eye tracking with digital camera, Hejil-Krakau blind spot monitoring
Movement ....................... Electric two directions controlled from software or on front push buttons

Kinetic test (Perimat only)

Test field ..........................30°, 40°, 50°
Meridian angles...............0° to 360° with steps of 10°, 15°,
20°, 30° or 45°
Isopters ...........................8
Stimulus speed ................2°/s, 4°/s, 6°/s, 8°/s

Embedded PC (Perimat only)

Operating system .............Windows embedded, 1 GB RAM, 250 GB hard disk
Connectivity..................CRT, Ethernet, Audio, 3 x USB

Dimensions and electrical requirements

Dimensions (WxDxH) .......566 √or 633 √or 396 mm
Weight ...........................Approx. 19.5kg
Input ...............................115 to 230 V AC
Frequency ...........................50/60 Hz
Power consumption......Less than 95 VA

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