550-943 | PHOROMAT 2000 Automated Phoropter

550-943 | PHOROMAT 2000 Automated Phoropter
PHOROMAT 2000 Automated Phoropter
Easy and fast operation via touch screen
Data display with high contrast LCD + integrated printer
Different cross-cylinder + accurate rotary prism
Communication with chart monitors CV 900/CV 700P, CV 1000P
Equipped with all standard refraction tests
Data transfer
Transfer the objective data from the Rodenstock lensmeter and autorefractors to the PHOROMAT 2000 and the subjective data to a local PC.
Easy operation
The Rodenstock refraction system is operated by one control keyboard and all settings can simply be performed by an electronic dial. Due to the coloured keyboard, the intuitive touch screen and the integrated printer, the operation is very easy and effective.
Measurement range
Spherical power...................-29.00 ~ +26.75 D
(0.12 / 0.25 D / 1.00 D /
2.00 D / 3.00 D STEP)
Cylinder power ...................0.00 ~ ±8.75 D
(0.25 D / 1.00 D / 2.00 / 3.00 D STEP)
Cylinder axis .......................0 ~ 180° (1° / 5° / 15° STEP)
PD .......................................48 to 80 mm (far)
50 to 74 mm (near)
Prism ...................................0 to 20 (0.1 /0.5 /2.0 STEP)
Refractor head
Auxiliary lens........................Occluder, Pinhole (√ò 2 mm), Red /
green filter, Polarising filter, Fixed cross
cylinder lens (±0.50 D), Red Maddox
rod, Dissociation prism (3, 6, 10 )
Cross cylinder ......................±0.25D, ±0.50D, ±0.25D auto
Retinoscopy ........................+1.50 D (67 cm), +2.00 D (50 cm)
Visual field ..........................40° (VD=12mm), 39° (VD=14mm)
Level adjustment .................±2.5°
PD adjustment ....................monocular / binocular
Near vision
Working distance.................35 to 70 cm (5 cm step)
Near point chart illumination..LED
Chart projector
Chart change time..................0.2 sec
Chart magnification................30 x
Different charts ......................42
Projection distance .................2.5 to 8 m
Illumination type ....................LED
Dimensions & electric requirements
Phoropter head
Dimensions WDH....................410 x 65 x 320 mm
Weight ...................................approx. 4.0 kg
Phoropter arm holder .............Ø 21 mm ±0.5 mm
Display....................................Colour TFT-LCD 10.4“ touch panel
Printer.....................................Built-in thermal
Dimensions WDH....................230 x 235 x 65 mm
Weight ...................................approx. 3.3 kg
Input.......................................AC 110~220V (±10%)
Power consumption................220-270 VA
Dimensions WDH....................202 x 364 x 172 mm
Weight ...................................approx. 4.7 kg
Input.......................................AC 100~240V
Power consumption................60 VA